Bug: search dialog (was: Re: [KPhotoAlbum] 45 000 images & KPhotoAlbum speed on Athlon 1GHz)

Martin H__ller martin at xss.co.at
Tue Jan 31 13:25:18 GMT 2006

On 31 Jan 2006, Rafael Beccar wrote:

> El Mar 31 Ene 2006 07:44, Risto H. Kurppa escribió:
> > -Where has the 'search folders' search pane disappeared?
> > On the last official (not snapshot) KimDaBa release it was possible to
> > select folders you wanted to search in - but not anymore. Will this
> > ever be back, what's the reason to remove it?

I'm not sure if I know what you mean. Do you mean the folder-pane in the
search-dialog? Actually I cannot find it either.

And there seems to be a bug in the search dialog as well. Every time I
open it, it opens as an empty dialog. I have to select "options" ->
"show/hide windows" -> "..." so be able to search. "options" -> "save
windows setup" doesn't help at all. One time I even managed to crash
kphotoalbum :-(

> It is present in my installation. See if you have any <option name="Folder" > 
> in your index.xml. There should be one for each image you have.
> grep -c "<option name=\"Folder\" >" ./index.xml should be equal to the number 
> of images on the database.

This is true for me. Anyway, i got no folder-pane in the search dialog.

Any ideas?

- martin

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