[KPhotoAlbum] 45 000 images & KPhotoAlbum speed on Athlon 1GHz

Martin H__ller martin at xss.co.at
Tue Jan 31 09:17:51 GMT 2006

On 30 Jan 2006, Walter Francis wrote:

> On Mon, January 30, 2006 17:17, Robert L Krawitz wrote:
> > Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 00:06:55 +0200
> > From: "Risto H. Kurppa" <risto at kurppa.fi>
> >
> > Sometimes it's very fast and does right away what I'm asking it to
> > do (a search, show thumbnails, whatever). But sometimes (with no other resource monster
> > programs running) it gets 'stuck'. It starts to work on something and doesn't respond
> > to anything. I see that it's reading or writing (reading, I hope..) the hard drive.
> > Usually
> > the program takes some 370 (VM) + 200 (PM) Mb of memory - but it's been up to 700 +
> > something.. But it'll eventually start working, if I'll just let it work (over the
> > night, for example..) long enoug.
> >
> > At least saving makes it stuck for a while.. Never actually measured
> > it precisely but I'd guess up to an hour or something
> >
> I have seen this too, but I can't put any reproduction steps behind it..  Kimdaba will
> suddenly stop responding and I'll look at gkrellm and the cpu is at 100%.  However, on
> my system it's definately not a resource issue, as I have an Amd65 3200 and 2G of ram.
>  There's no disk activity going on at all (I also have loud scsi drives).

Could it be that auto-saving makes kphotoalbum not respond? When
(auto-)saving the gui stops responding for a while (about 20-30s on my 7k
image DB). Try disabling auto-save and see if you can reproduce it.

While thinking about this another issue comes to my mind: when you have a
very huge DB and a busy system it might happen that saving takes several
minutes. What if saving takes longer than the auto-save intervall? Could
this be an issue Jesper?

- martin

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