[KimDaBa] trying to generate database for 50 000 images - KimDaBa crashes

Risto H. Kurppa risto at kurppa.fi
Thu Jan 12 07:50:12 GMT 2006

Hi & thank's!

I've found also other images that cause the same crash..

Konqueror opened the image but crashed as soon as I touched the mouse.

No apostrophes in the names (it's still possible that it would cause
same symptons but this is not the case this time..)

GIMP tells:
Corrupt JPEG data: 136 extraneous bytes before marker 0xd9 EXIF data
will be ignored.
 - but opens the image.

Anyway, thank's! I think I can manage with this now - so far all
faulty images are from the same old Agfa ePhoto CL20 camera.. Removing
EXIF might also make the image readable..


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