Re: [KPhotoAlbum] Re: New snapshot (was : date + setup + help missing + database)

Dominik Stadler Dominik.Stadler at
Mon Apr 17 12:26:06 BST 2006

Hi Jesper, 

I tried to play around with the latest and greatest KPhotoAlbum and used
valgrind to start the demo-database (it seems to be unable to cope with my
real database, with over 10500 images it consumes more and more memory
during startup until I kill it). 

It seems during startup, KPhotoAlbum periodically loads and unloads a bunch
of libraries, it seems this is done once for every image. Valgrind prints
the following frequently until the main UI appears:

--611-- Reading syms from /usr/qt/3/plugins/sqldrivers/
--611--    object doesn't have a symbol table
--611-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/mysql/
--611--    object doesn't have a symbol table
--611-- Reading syms from /lib/ (0x6BC6000)
--611--    object doesn't have a symbol table
--611-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/ (0x6BF3000)
--611--    object doesn't have a symbol table
--611-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/ (0x6C23000)
--611--    object doesn't have a symbol table
--611-- Reading syms from /usr/qt/3/plugins/sqldrivers/
--611--    object doesn't have a symbol table
--611-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/ (0x6D4A000)
--611--    object doesn't have a symbol table
--611-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/ (0x4947000)
--611--    object doesn't have a symbol table
--611-- discard syms at 0x6A60000-0x6A7B000 in
/usr/qt/3/plugins/sqldrivers/ due to munmap()
--611-- discard syms at 0x6D4A000-0x6DAD000 in /usr/lib/ due
to munmap()
--611-- discard syms at 0x4947000-0x494A000 in /usr/lib/
due to munmap()
--611-- discard syms at 0x6A55000-0x6A60000 in
/usr/qt/3/plugins/sqldrivers/ due to munmap()
--611-- discard syms at 0x6A83000-0x6BC6000 in
/usr/lib/mysql/ due to munmap()
--611-- discard syms at 0x6BC6000-0x6BF3000 in /lib/ due to
--611-- discard syms at 0x6BF3000-0x6C23000 in /usr/lib/ due
to munmap()
--611-- discard syms at 0x6C23000-0x6D27000 in /usr/lib/
due to munmap()
--611-- Reading syms from /usr/qt/3/plugins/sqldrivers/

Also when selecting all images from a category, this output appears once.
I'm not sure how big the cost is for loading/unloading a lib, but if done
very frequently, it might add up.

The same when I import an existing .kim-file.


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