[KPhotoAlbum] Re: New snapshot (was : date + setup + help missing + database)

Dominique Gonzalez dominique.gonzalez at univ-lille3.fr
Sun Apr 16 16:41:03 BST 2006

Jesper K. Pedersen a écrit :
> | dates
> |
> | I cannot record dates which are set by "set properties" dialogs.
> | This pb occured some months ago, with an older version : it was caused
> | by locales. Mine is french.
> I tried making a new snapshot, this time with languages too, could you 
> please try that ASAP and let me know if there are any problems.
> Kind Regards
> Jesper.
I compiled the new one:

   * Help is there
   * Setting dates still does not work
   * It seems (but not sure) that my previous version was in french.
     This one is in english (But it is not a great problem: if the
     french version exists, I shall use it, but I do not really NEED it.)
   * Set properties dialogs: sorry. You were right: I did not see that
     I had to use "save current windows setup".

Dominique GONZALEZ   (http://www.grappa.univ-lille3.fr/~gonzalez/)
C'est dingue ce que les gens roulent vite sur la route. Je remarque
ça quand je vois à quelle vitesse je dois rouler pour les dépasser.
 -- Le Chat (Philippe Geluck)

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