[KimDaBa] more ideas for kimdaba

Jean-Michel FAYARD jmfayard at gmail.com
Wed Sep 28 09:29:39 BST 2005

> 2) more complex: simplify group handling by showing a tree-view.
> It would be really cool if there would be a nicer dialog for managing
> groups. I would like to see my groups in a tree-view. For example my
> locations would look like this:
> earth (just for future use ;-)
>   +--asia
>   |    +--india
>   |    `--china
>   +--europe
>   |    +--austria
>   |    |    +--linz
>   |    |    `--...
>   |    +--italy
>   :    :    `--...
> You got the idea?

Do you really find deep hierarchy easier to use than a flat list with
a search field at the top like in kimdaba or in amarok ?
You have always to expand/unexpand folders,
think about the best way to organise things. Well of course for locations
it seems pretty straight forward, but for the persons for example
Friends / Family / Coworker / ...
What if a co worker is also your friend...
With a flat list and a search box, I just type a few letters and I am done.

Seeing your example, I wonder if when I type "chin", every location in
this member-group "china" is selected. If yes, I think your tree-view
would bring nothing to me.


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