[KimDaBa] Remove single keyword from large selection of pictures?

Walter Francis wally at theblackmoor.net
Mon Nov 28 18:23:32 GMT 2005

On Mon, November 28, 2005 12:40, Martin Hoeller wrote:

> Do you know about the Page-Down key when in multi-editing mode? It's not
> really perfect but may help a little bit: Select all the images you want to remove a
> token from, press ctrl-2, deselect the keyword in question and hit page-down. You get
> the next picture selected with the focus on the same keyword, so just hitting space
> deselects it for the second one, page-down and space for third and so on...

Hmmmm...  I'll try this when I get home, but I thought in multi-edit mode no keywords
were highlighted at all.  I'll try page-down in single edit too, maybe that's what you
meant.  That would work okay too.

I don't mind editing the xml directly as Jasper's suggestion, but I'd rather not have
to.  We'll see.

Walter Francis
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