[KimDaBa] Remove single keyword from large selection of pictures?

Martin Hoeller martin at xss.co.at
Mon Nov 28 17:40:58 GMT 2005

On Mon, 28 Nov 2005, Jesper K. Pedersen wrote:

> On Monday 28 November 2005 12:07, Walter Francis wrote:
> | Have there been any updates on being able to remove a keyword from a
> | selection of pictures?
> Nope.
> The best i can suggest is to edit the index.xml file in an editor.

Do you know about the Page-Down key when in multi-editing mode? It's not
really perfect but may help a little bit: Select all the images you want
to remove a token from, press ctrl-2, deselect the keyword in question and
hit page-down. You get the next picture selected with the focus on the
same keyword, so just hitting space deselects it for the second one,
page-down and space for third and so on...

As I said, not perfect, but definitely faster than going through each
picture in the singel-edit mode.

- martin
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