[KimDaBa] Questions from a very new user

Russell Lear RussLear314 at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 19 04:14:56 GMT 2005

I'm just starting to play with kimdaba, so perhaps I'll find the answers to my 
questions eventually but, being the impatient guy that I am....

My mother recently gave me a large number of slides of my family taken from 
the early 1950s through the 1990s.  I've been scanning off and on for some 
months and at this point have approx. 1500 slides very loosely organized by 
estimated date.

I very much like kimdaba's classification scheme and the dynamic 
folders/context (I'm not sure what the proper terminology is).  I'd like to 
make that kind of interface available to the family.  I'd like to make both 
the search capability and the image configuring capabilty available.

Is there a web-friendly interface?  One approach would be for me to use 
kimdaba to classify the images and use the index.xml produced as a database 
for a web interface.  But that seems like a lot of work.  Especially if it's 
already been done!

Any thoughts or experiences?


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