[KimDaBa] Next release one week, then what?!

Jesper K. Pedersen blackie at blackie.dk
Tue May 10 09:12:59 BST 2005

On Tuesday 10 May 2005 10:05, Eivind wrote:
| On Sunday 08 May 2005 14:13, Jesper K. Pedersen wrote:
| > On Monday 25 April 2005 07:57, Eivind wrote:
| > | 1b) Better yet: Make it possibe to add new Categories, and indicate
| > | that they should be auto-filled from exif-field so and so. (So I could
| > | make a new Category "Cameras", and indicate that it should be
| > | auto-filled from the Exif-field "Camera-Model"
| > |
| > | 1c) Even more flexible alternative: Make it possible to add new
| > | Categories which initial value is the output of a freely choosable
| > | shell-command. That way I could create "Cameras" and indicate that the
| > | initial value should be the output of the command:
| > |
| > | jhead %image | grep "Camera model" | cut -d: -f2
| > |
| > | Yes, this is only really useful for power-users, but it gives
| > | extraordinarily flexibility. I can have Kimdaba automatically
| > | recognize *any* aspect of an image for which I am capable of writing a
| > | shell-script.
| >
| > Two nice suggestion, but it would really not get us much further would
| > it, I mean we would still not be able to search for shutter time between
| > 1/300 and 1/500.
| But that doesn't work today either, not even if I enter the shutter-times
| manually. I think you're confusing two different ideas here:
| 1) What information does Kimdaba automatically recognize from images ? Or
| what information is it *capable* of recognizing, with the rigth
| configurations. My ideas where in this category.
| 2) What can it *do* with information, once it has it ? For example, if
| Kimdaba *does* know that "Shutter-speed" for this image is "300", is it
| then capable of searching for "Shutter-speed" between 200 and 500 ?
| I don't really see what the two has to do with eachothers. The second would
| possibly require Kimdaba to have an idea of the "type" of a tag, i.e
| "String" "Numeric" "Date" rather than just as today considering everything
| except the one Date a "String"
Exactly my point.

| >| 2) Time
| >| -------
| >| Be more flexible in the use of time-information. Make it possible for
| >| me to search for images that are taken between 18 and 24 in the
| >| evening. Or make it possible to search for images taken in the
| >| weekend. Yes, I realize this is more tricky than simply restricting to
| >| a range as is possible now.
| >
| > Would that be something that is really usefull?
| To me, yes. But I may be having weird usage-patterns. I find myself
| searching for that image from that party. I know that the party was some
| friday evening. Kimdaba knows the date and time of all my images, but
| still, currently it's impossible to ask Kimdaba to actually show images
| taken friday evenings.
| Kimdaba knows the day and time. I know which day and time I'm interested
| in, yet I cannot communicate this to Kimdaba.
| Or I know that I took a picture of a nice sunset at Cyprus. I also know
| that when I was at Cyprus, sunset was like at 1830. Still, I can't ask
| Kimdaba to show me images from Cyprus, taken between 18 and 1900.
| O I'm searching for an image from some Christmas, only I don't remember
| precisely which. So I'd like Kimdaba to show me all images taken on 24th
| of december, any year. Also currently impossible.
| How useful it would be to others I can't say, for me it'd be quite
| practical.
Lots of good points, I'll keep them around, and think carefully about how to 
implement this.

| > | 4) Metadata.
| > | ------------
| > |
| > | Make it possible to associate any file with one or more images. Many
| > | digicams can record sound. Why can't I use that to record comments to
| > | images, and then somehow indicate that tierpark_comments.mp3 is
| > | associated with images DCP_0375 - DCP_0415 ?
| >
| > Sounds like a good idea, though it would require some way of invoking
| > the external media file. I'll think about it.
| It'll probably require the same as my 2) above: Recognising that tags have
| a "type" and allow the user, when creating new tag-categories to indicate
| what "type" they are. "file" could be one such type.
| "When:" is a 'date'
| "Persons:" is a 'string'
| "Shutter:" is a 'number'
| "Commentary:" is a 'file'
| > I installed a new Suse just yesterday, and I found kimdaba in the
| > installer, it was not installed by default. How would I know that
| > kimdaba was this cool application to use, thats why we need a more
| > descriptive name, perhaps even chaning to KImageDatabase would solve
| > things, I dont know.
| Yes. But how would you know, from the name alone, that Gimp, Firefox,
| Konqueror, Emacs, or for that matter KDE was a good thing to have ?
Well these guys have allready had enough hipe around them to get to that 
stage. Kimdaba has been around for 2 years now without the hipe comming to 
its help.

| I dunno, I see the point of a obviosly-descriptive name. On the other hand
| those names tend to be dull as hell. There's *WAY* to many apple-products
| that are basically named I-descriptive. (iphoto, imusic, idinner, ibutton)
| And there are really plenty of programs in KDE named K-descriptive, one
| could even argue that Kimdaba is already like that, even though the step
| from im-da-ba to image-data-base is nonobvious.
| In Mandriva (formerly Mandrake) the Packages are presented with name and
| description, so it's not really a problem:
| Gimp [ ]
| 	The GIMP is an image manipulation program suitable for photo retouching,
| 	image composition and image authoring.
| Mozilla-firefox [ ]
| 	The Mozilla Firefox project aims to build the most useful web browser
| 	for all platforms.
| Kimdaba [ ]
| 	Kimdaba is the KDE Image Database. It allows you to easily sort and refind
| 	your pictures and images.
well, so it is in suse, nevertheless I never got around reading >5000 

| Somehow I don't think changing the name makes much difference in a list
| like this. (kimdaba isn't included in base Mandrake, I built that package
| myself, the point is, _if_ it was included it'd be displayed something
| like that.)
| 	Eivind Kjørstad
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Having trouble finding a given image in your collection containing
thousands of images?

http://ktown.kde.org/kimdaba might be the answer.

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