[KimDaBa] another feature request

Martin Höller martin at xss.co.at
Thu May 5 20:50:28 BST 2005

Hi Robert!

On 04 May 2005, Robert L Krawitz wrote:

>    Date: Wed, 4 May 2005 17:04:38 +0200
>    From: Martin Höller <martin at xss.co.at>
>    As i was trying to move some of my older images to a CD i found out
>    that offline-support in kimdaba is kind of lacking.
>    What i wanted to do is to move some folders containing pictures to
>    another location to burn it on a CD. But when i moved the folders i
>    found out that the thumbnails were in a subfolder which prevented
>    kimdaba from viewing thumbnails when (re)moving the whole folder.
> The easiest way to do that is to export the photos into the directory
> of your choice.  I know I submitted a patch to allow exporting by
> links, so it wouldn't consume more disk space.

This would only solve part of my problem: i could use your suggestion to
create a folder with all the images i want to burn on a CD. That's fine.

But on the other hand i would still have these images on disk in the
picture-folder, where i wanted to remove them to save some disk space.

>    As the thumbnails are named with the name of the original file in
>    it, it's also not possible to do a thumbnail -> original file
>    mapping if the filenames were for example truncated to 8.3 because
>    of a broken CD-burning-program.
> 8+3 MUST DIE!!!

Sure. It was only an example. I wouldn't use such a broken CD burning
program ;-)

>    So what i suggest is the following:
>    1) move all the thumbnails in a folder at the very top (like =20
>       CategoryImages). What about a hidden directory .kimdaba/ with a
>       CategoryImages and Thumbnails folders in it?
>    2) As kimdaba uses checksums anyway, why not use it in the names of
>       the thumbnails?
> This won't solve your 8+3 problem anyway, since kimdaba uses MD5
> checksums (160 bits).

Ups, my fault. I took a bad example.

I'm still of the opinion that using the existing checksum in the filename
would be better.

At the moment i have about 40 file with the name 64x64-0-dscf0003.jpg.

Anyway, the actual reason for my mail was not the renaming of the
thumbnails but to find another location for them due to a better offline

My preferred way of saving images to a CD is to take a folder, burn it on
a CD and remove it in the original location. This is not possible without
breaking the thumbnail preview in kimdaba.

What do you think about this?

- martin

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