[KimDaBa] Now it is urgent

Florian Lindner mailinglists at xgm.de
Mon May 2 13:12:35 BST 2005

Am Montag, 2. Mai 2005 13:14 schrieb Jesper K. Pedersen:
> CVS will become SVN by 16.00 today. After that I can't make a release for
> likely weeks to come, as all the release scripts is using CVS.
> So if the aforementioned bug is not found and solved by then, then you are
> likely going to wait another few weeks for 2.1
> So plleeeeaaassse right now download
> http://www.blackie.dk/kimdaba-2.1-noi18n.tar.bz2, unpack.
> ./configure && make && make install.
> Start kimdaba, and choose view images, and let me know if it crashes for
> you.

Downloaded at:

florian at horus ~ $ date -u
Mo Mai  2 12:03:33 UTC 2005
florian at horus ~ $ date
Mo Mai  2 14:03:58 CEST 2005

on a recent Gentoo box, KDE 3.4 with LANG="de_DE.utf8" and withount any CFLAGS 
or CXXFLAGS variables.

configured with:

./configure --prefix /home/florian/kimdaba

(complained about KIPI not installed, which is correct)


make install

NOT included $PREFIX in $KDEDIRS

everything works perfect. No crash upon exiting, regardless if I made changes 
or not.
I also can't confirm that the the application asks for saving when just opened 
and closed.



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