[KimDaBa] i18n of index.xml

Jean-Michel FAYARD jmfayard at gmail.com
Wed Mar 16 10:08:15 GMT 2005

On Wed, 16 Mar 2005 08:41:59 +0100, Jesper K. Pedersen
<blackie at blackie.dk> wrote:
> The default value is in non translated version, have a look at default-setup,
> which is the starting point when starting a new database.
> At some point you may have renamed this category (e.g. when playing with
> kimdaba), and then renamed it back - but kimdaba would have no way of knowing
> that when you renamed it back that it got back to Persons.
> So I trust everything is working fine.

No, that's not true.
At some point when I updated my version of kimdaba, "Persons -
Locations - Keywords" were translated "Personner - Lieux - Mots clés",
displayed like
this in the GUI (which is a fine idea), but also stored like this in index.xml
I did rename the first one, because it had a fault (should be "Personnes"),
but I'm pretty sure I didn't renamed the two others.

Too bad I have no peronal computer more to see what's going wrong.

PS : if you want to exchange .kim file with people, it's a bit easier
if everybody has the same three default categories.

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