[KimDaBa] Anyone converted a PhotoShop Elements 3 database to Kimdaba?
Stephen J. Gowdy
gowdy at slac.stanford.edu
Mon Aug 22 19:44:38 BST 2005
Hi Jean-Michel,
I did read that it is an option to store the tag in the image and
it uses some standard way of doing that but I don't want it to modify all
my images to do that. It also only stores the tag name and not which
catagory it is in.
I can open the database it writes with Access but the column that
I think contains that information (ImageTable:fFolderInfoArray) seems to
be opaque, it is just a square or other strange characters...
On Mon, 22 Aug 2005, Jean-Michel FAYARD wrote:
> 2005/8/22, Stephen J. Gowdy <gowdy at slac.stanford.edu>:
> > I had a look through the various options and couldn't see a way of
> > exporting what I wanted (the map from tags to photos, or visa versa). It
> > does allow you to export the value of tags in an XML format (but not which
> > photos they are associated with). That xml file does seem to include the
> > thumbnail used for the tag. The format is like (i've replaced the icon
> > ascii stream with ...);
> >
> > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
> > <tagset>
> > [...]
> > <tagset-item-value-container-flag>0</tagset-item-value-container-flag>
> > <tagset-item-value-name><![CDATA[Item on one side]]></tagset-item-value-name>
> > <tagset-item-value-icon><![CDATA[...]]></tagset-item-value-icon>
> > </tagset-item>
> > [...]
> Obviously that's not where the tags are stored, this is just a list of
> all the different
> tags present in your collection. I think Adobe stores in each picture which tags
> they have in their own XMP (Extensible Metadata Platform) format.
> See here : http://xml.coverpages.org/xmp.html
> A Photoshop organizer => Kimdaba converter would be great for people
> wanting to switch to Linux.
> It seems doable with Image::ExifTool (which can read XMP) and my Image::Kimdaba
> See :
> http://search.cpan.org/~exiftool/Image-ExifTool-5.46/lib/Image/ExifTool/TagNames.pod#XMP_Tags
> and
> http://search.cpan.org/~jmfayard/Image-Kimdaba/lib/Image/Kimdaba.pm
> http://wiki.kde.org/tiki-index.php?page=Image%3A%3AKimdaba
> My 2 cents.
|Stephen J. Gowdy | SLAC, MailStop 34, |
|http://www.slac.stanford.edu/~gowdy/ | 2575 Sand Hill Road, |
|http://calendar.yahoo.com/gowdy | Menlo Park CA 94025, USA |
|EMail: gowdy at slac.stanford.edu | Tel: +1 650 926 3144 |
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