[KimDaBa] quick tagging and image viewing.

Jesper K. Pedersen blackie at blackie.dk
Fri Oct 22 06:29:42 BST 2004

On Wednesday 20 October 2004 21:15, William Holland wrote:
| Hi,
| I've just been looking through a selection of Images I've just added to
| kimdaba, and there seems to be a slightly illogical way of doing this.
| Firstly I would expect to select the first image in the filter, and then be
| able to scroll through it using the 'page up' and 'page down' buttons,
| however, I need to select all the images to be able to do this.  To me it
| woudl make sense to deault to the 'all images' selected when the first
| image is open.
I continue hearing this, all kimdaba users must be dumb as waterproof 
plastic ;-) Cant you just work the way god (in this case me) intended ;-)
Seriously, I'll have to look at the selection strategies at some point, 
obviously a lot of people get confused about it.

| Secondly, as I look through the images I would like to be able to tag them
| in an 'ultra quick way' eg typing 't' or something, so that I can select
| the tagged ones later, and then perform some operation (setting key words,
| or in my case emailing them)
| Are there any plans for either of the above?
Yeah, I've had a similar need some time ago. I have some other emails on this 
topic that I'll have a look at one day (likely for 2.1) and do something 

| Also,  I tag images with full addresses often (as I have about 600
| locations, it is useful to be able to filter by country and then town, to
| narrow it down a bit) - sorry, but the member groups doesn't really help me
| here - I still have to load all the images.  Anyway back to my request, I
| would like to be able to order the 'Option Groups' in the main window... 
| So I could have something like
| Country
| Region
| Location
| Keywords
| Sport
| Event
| Folder
| Instead of the alphabetical manner that I have at the moment.
This sounds very specific to location, and I can't really see how to 
generalize that. Besides I'm sure that it means reworking a lot internally in 

| Also, Is there a 'unlimit view to marked'?
I'm not sure what that would mean, please explain.

| And finally... (sorry to add so many things to the list), is there a way to
| order a view by date and time?  The images seem to be ordered in a strange
| way at the moment - maybe I've just not set the time correctly.  I realise
| that I can re-order images at will, but this is a pain, and if I have, I
| would still like to be able to automagically re-order the images.
select the images in question, and run Images->sort selection by date and 


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