[KimDaBa] KimDaBa suggestions

Thomas Harning Jr. harningt at msu.edu
Thu May 13 04:54:13 BST 2004

Hash: SHA1

Here's some suggestions that I think would be great:
1) Ability to regorganize the actual file locations while viewing attributes 
about them to help guide organization [would be easier than simply using a 
file browser and looking at kimdaba to find the file from the status bar 
location and opening the image up to find out its attributes]
2) Alternative image/thumbnail displaying, ex:
	a) File path viewing as a list with columns for attributes
	b) Thumbnails in a list w/ attributes
	c) Customizable attribute display instead of simply filename
	d) The 'film' view used by WinXP and FLPhoto, with a set of thumbnails at the 
bottom and a nice big frame for the active thumbnail above.
3) Other data formats such as videos with the thumbnail set to some image in 
the clip (perhaps the first, a random one, or a preset one through user 
customization)  and the ability to load as usual.  Another suggestion for 
alternate data formats would be to add extensions to the list to be processes 
[if thats how kimDaBa works.. not sure of its method of filtering)

I hope these things would be added in, as they'd be great.  If there's any 
apps out there that do this and sorta what KimDaBa does.. I'd like to know.  
But would rather stick with KimDaBa since it's great and I'v invested 
organization time in my database.

Oh, separate databases that are simple to work with would also be nice 
[instead of making it difficult to try to use more than one].
- -- 
Thomas Harning Jr.
harningt at msu.edu
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


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