[KimDaBa] HOWTO export a list of filename

Jean-Michel FAYARD jmfayard at gmail.com
Tue Jul 20 03:12:49 BST 2004

>> I just noticed you can already and trivially do it :
>> Select whatever set of pictures you want
>> Drag and drop them in Konsole

On Mon, 19 Jul 2004 16:49:36 -0600, Jody Harris <havoc at harrisdev.com> wrote:
> well, well, well.... very interesting.
> Now, why won't it drop them into kvim?

Because drag&drop in Linux is broken everywhere ;-)

Follow those links if you are interested by technical details :

For the fun, I have test for you a lot of combinaisons between
konqueror, konsole, gvim, rox, kedit and gedit and kimdaba

kimdaba ==> rox : good, it allow you to move the files to rox current directory
kimdaba ==> konsole : very good, as I said
kimdaba ==> konqueror   VERY good, allows you to move/link/copy the files
rox or konqueror ==> kimdaba poor.  Do nothing. Perhaps it Kimdaba 3,
it will allow you to hardlink an image or a directory with images in
your image collection. Should it allows you to specifiy in which
directory ?
kimdaba ==> gedit : gedit is stupid. It can t edit imge file, which is
normal, but it could past the list of urls like konsole.
kimdaba ==> kedit : kedit is even more stupid. It tries to edit the
image files and crash very soon.
kimdaba or konqueror ==> gvim or kvim : do nothing. The claim to
handle drag-n-drop (see :help drag-n-drop) is a lie. It works from rox
==> gvim though.

To conclude : 
rox is very good, konqueror is better (you have the ability to choose
between copy/rename/link, and you can paste the selection in a file by
dragging it in a folder),
konsole is awesome too, like konqueror 
kedit, gedit and gvim are broken in a way or another
mozilla seems to do little with drag and drop
kimdaba works in one way but not (yet ?) in the other

That's the current state of the Linux desktop !

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