[KimDaBa] Tooltips and other notes

Jesper K. Pedersen blackie at kde.org
Sat Jan 24 19:21:24 GMT 2004

Shawn Willden <shawn-kimdaba at willden.org> writes:

| Finally, I did run into one build problem.  Telling make to ignore it (make 
| -k) got me a working kimdaba executable, but it complains about "no rule 
| to make target 'all'" in demo/CategoryImages and in themes.  The problem 
| is obviously that there are no makefiles in those directories (though 
| there are Makefile.am files).  What versions of the auto tools do you use?
I just did test that, and could not reproduce it :-/
Does anyone else have that problem?

are you compiling from the snapshots or directly from CVS? If directly from
CVS, did you make a clean before - could you pelase try rm'ing all files
and try again.


PS: This will be my last answer tonight, as my girlfriend (http://www.annehelene.dk) 
is getting impatient with me sitting in front of the computer rather than
drinking wine with her ;-)

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