[KimDaBa] Exif, again...

Jesper K. Pedersen blackie at blackie.dk
Wed Dec 29 09:03:40 GMT 2004

On Thursday 23 December 2004 22:57, Alain.Picard at memetrics.com wrote:
| Dear Kimdaba users and developers,
| Hello, and thank you!
| I've been madly trying to find out how to organize my digital
| pictures, having fallen waaaaay behind (now 4000 pix).  I found
| no software whatsoever which would solve my problem.
| I spent some days designing what such software would look like,
| when, by accident, I find... kimdaba!  And it's _exactly_ what I
| had designed!  [No, actually, it's much _better_...]
| Needless to say, I'm now a very happy camper, and am madly catching
| up trying to put in my metadata tags.
| I found 1 problem though: the dates don't seem to all have been
| imported properly from the exif header.  Some pictures were
| heavily preprocessed and did not have exif headers at all.
| So I was looking at the exif headers with `exif' and `jhead' and the
| only date related fields I could find in the images where the date got
| successfully imported were
|   Date and Time       |2004:04:12 20:28:34
|   Date and Time (origi|2004:04:12 20:28:34
|   Date and Time (digit|2004:04:12 20:28:34
| So I manually set this field in my images which were missing
| exif info, so it now looks like:
|   Date and Time       |2000:08:19 12:00:00
| I then re-imported the exif info with Maintenance->Read exif info from
| files but nothing seems to have been found, and the dates still show as
| the date of initial import into kimdaba.
| I had a peek at the code, and my impression is the info is set
| in this line of code, in imageinfo.cpp:
|  QDate date = exif[QString::fromLatin1( "CreationDate" )].toDate();
| which confuses me no end, as I then can't see how this can get set
| from the "Date and Time" header, which it patently does.
| Any help or advice will be appreciated!
Its a long time since I worked on this part of the code, and IIRC I started 
out from a patch from someone.
Could you send me part of your index.xml file - just cut away every thing but 
one image, which dont get correctly reset, and also send me the image with 
problems, and I'll have a look at it.


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