[KimDaBa] Lets build a database together

Reimar Imhof Reimar.Imhof at netCologne.de
Tue Apr 20 20:26:43 BST 2004

Am Montag, 19. April 2004 22:59 schrieb Jesper K. Pedersen:
> I just got this wild idea that we all should put a few images of ourself
> into one big database, so we all may know what we look like.
> See http://ktown.kde.org/kimdaba/kimdaba-user-database/
> The KimDaBa User Data Base
> ===========================
> KimDaBa in the latest snapshots has an import/export feature, which allows
> people to share images. So why not let us all share a few image of ourself,
> so we know who is who when talking to them on IRC or on the KimDaBa mailing
> lists?
> I therefore invite all KimDaBa users to mail me a KimDaBa export
> (instructions below) with a few images of yourself, plus a bit of
> description of yourself. I'll keep the list here updated as images comes
> in, but please give me a bit of time before starting to nag me where your
> images are ;-)

Hi Jesper,

just one comment:

To me it's importend to have the e-mail address in the form Reimar dot Imhof 
at netCologne dot de. At least something like Reimar.Imhof at netCologne.de.
And I think it could be good not to name the category "e-mail" (or something 
very closed to that word).
The reason is, I just don't want to get spam.
Do you agree?


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