[KimDaBa] Lets build a database together

Jesper K. Pedersen blackie at blackie.dk
Mon Apr 19 21:59:15 BST 2004

I just got this wild idea that we all should put a few images of ourself into 
one big database, so we all may know what we look like.
See http://ktown.kde.org/kimdaba/kimdaba-user-database/

The KimDaBa User Data Base
KimDaBa in the latest snapshots has an import/export feature, which allows 
people to share images. So why not let us all share a few image of ourself, 
so we know who is who when talking to them on IRC or on the KimDaBa mailing 

I therefore invite all KimDaBa users to mail me a KimDaBa export (instructions 
below) with a few images of yourself, plus a bit of description of yourself. 
I'll keep the list here updated as images comes in, but please give me a bit 
of time before starting to nag me where your images are ;-)

The procedure is a bit different from normal usage of the export feature, as 
we need all to use the same sets of categories. First, download the database 
which contains three images of me. Unpack the files, and cd into the directory 
and load it using kimdaba -c index.xml.

Look at my images to get an idea what you should put there. Next delete my 
images, put in a few images of your self, fill out the categories plus 
descriptions, and from File choose export.

IMPORTANT: Check Limit maximum dimension of image to 800, and choose Include 
in .kim file for location of images. Now send the images to me.


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