[KimDaBa] Debian packages

Jesper K. Pedersen blackie at kde.org
Thu Dec 11 08:46:49 GMT 2003

Mat~as Costa <mcc3 at alu.um.es> writes:

| On 10 de Diciembre de 2003 10:27, Jesper K. Pedersen wrote:
| > No there are of yet no debian packages, but I would indeed be very happy if
| > you would build packages for me.
| First of all, sorry for writing to the list from a wrong identity. This is the 
| good one.
| Achim Bohnet pointed he did a basic debian package with dh_make. That is what 
| I should do, because I think this package dont need any special rule to build 
| or install. I was thinking about building two packages kimdaba and 
| kimdaba-cvs and get them "up-to-date" (with a proper changelog, of course).
That sounds like a splendid idea.
Maybe it would be even better to simply do the snapshots - I try to make a
snapshot release every time I've implemented a new feature, and I feel its

Regarding the ChangLog, in the src directory you will find a ChangeLog file,
which I update whenever I add or change something.

| It's only my 2 cents for a excelent program, that manages my 4000+ photo 
| collection fast.
great ;-)

| Well, and dreaming a bit, I'm thinking about to do a kio slave. Should be 
| amazing drop images to kimdaba://places/house/. But that's a dream now 
| because I am a begginer programing in kde (all it's about time, next year 
| I'll talk again about that kio slave).
uhhh that sounds like a good idea.

I'd always wanted to try to develop a KIO, so maybe I'll get to it before
you. Now its on my todo list (among a million other things - I really need
a vacation soon, so I can get some time for KimDaBa ;-) 
Anyway, if you want to do this, let me know when you start, and I'll help
you with infrastructure from kimdaba as good as I can.


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