[Status Report] SoK-18 Project: Write tests and Improve protocol support for Kopete

Himanshu Vishwakarma himvish997 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 5 10:43:57 UTC 2018


In this week, I worked on improving the previous patch and made the test
data-driven and now,  waiting for the review. I also wrote a new test of
class socket
​ in
​ ​
QQ protocol but
​ there​
​having some difficulties​
​ I
​will be

, If you look at the proble
 and give the possible solution.​

When I compling test it give the error like
​ this
In file included from /mnt/NewVolume/sok

*​​/kopete/protocols/qq/qqsocket.h*:18:10: fatal error: qobject.h: No such
file or directory

 #include <qobject.h>


compilation terminated.


​To slove the problem, ​
​I tried the many thing​s, some are follows:

   - ​Replace to this
    #include <QObject> instead of
   #include <qobject.h>
* ​​but got similar error*.
   - I​
   nclude the Qt5::Core library in th
   ​ ​
   ​and in the protocol CMakeLists.txt file also​.
   - G​
   ive the full path of the QObject library in
* ​​kopete/tests/protocols/qq/CMakeLists.txt* but the issue
   ​ remain same​
   - Reinstall
   the Qt and change the lastest version Qt-5.10.0.
   - If I comment the line
   ​ ​
   *#include <qobject.h>*
   ​error change but​

   error has come to this line
* ​​#include <QList>*​

Let me know if needed some more information related to the error.

Next, I plan to resolve the issue in
​above test
 and go through code base of other protocols basically Jabber protocol
​ ​
and ​
I also want to confirm
*​​should I remove the AIM protocol from the kopete?*

Link to patch: https://phabricator.kde.org/D10160

Himanshu Vishwakarma
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