[Konsole-devel] Newbie question: command-line option for spawning virtual termina ls?

Clarke, John john.clarke at attws.com
Wed Mar 13 17:15:25 UTC 2002

Greetings All,

I have been using konsole for about a year now, and would be very interested
to know if it is possible, via command-line options, to start a konsole
session with multiple virtual terminals?

I have read the documentation and done some searching on the mailing list
archives, but haven't found much information on this.  I confess that I
don't fully understand the "--type" command line switch, or the Arguments
section of the help screen, when you type "konsole --help-all" at the
command line.

BTW:  I am using Konsole 1.0.2  using KDE 2.2.1, as packaged with Linux
Mandrake 8.1

Thanks for your help, and my appologies if I have committed the newbie sin
of asking a well-discussed and documented issue.

-John Clarke

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