externally trigger konq-e to reload site

Stefan Strobl stefan.strobl at gersys.de
Wed Sep 23 13:27:46 CEST 2009


I just subscribed to the list in the hope you can give me some ideas on
how to solve my problem.

First I should mention that I'm using a rather old version of konq-e and
qt/embedded, mainly because cross-compilation is already working for my
PPC computer. I'm using konqueror3-embedded-0.2-20040524 with

What I would like to do is to somehow tell konq-e from another
application XY to reload its current URL. This is of use if application
XY generates and stors a html page locally and wants konqueror to
display/reload it.

Now, this is how I tried to do it and the problems I ran into:
I thought I use the Unix system signal SIGUSR2 to do the signaling. In
the file view.cc in the BrowserView constructor I'm registering my
"protected: static void sigusr2_handler()" function for SIGUSR2 which is
generally working so far. From this handler I thought of calling the
public slot function reload() which is _not_ working because I cannot
call this non-static function reload() from my static function
sigusr2_handler(). From sigusr2_handler() I also cannot access "HTMLView
*m_doc" for the same reason. On the other hand I cannot make
sigusr2_handler() non-static because sigaction() would complain about
that. I'm lost here. Why can't I access the data even though I'm in the
same class?

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? Or maybe ideas about a better approach
to make my application XY cause konq-e to reload its page?

Any help i highly appreciated.
Gersys GmbH, Hans-Urmiller-Ring 12a, D-82515 Wolfratshausen, Germany
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Erwin Sterzer, HRB 137 872 Muenchen, Fon: +49(0)8171 38626-0
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