console mode text cursor with graphics cursor?

Dan Grunberg dangrunberg at
Mon Jul 28 17:33:58 CEST 2008

I have compiled Qt3 and Kong/E to run without X-windows (conf below).

When I run the executable, I get a browser and cursor that look mostly OK -
the problem is I also get a text-mode cursor that moves around in sync with

the graphics cursor and overwrites the browser with text-size blocks.  It
looks like I have to disable text-mode or console-output somehow.  I boot
linux with vga=0x307 on the kernel line with grub.

The browser actually seems to work (I can visit different sites) - the main
problem is the overwriting the screen with a text mode cursor.


Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?



Dan Grunberg



Qt configuration (qt-embedded-free-3.3.8b.tar.gz):

export QTDIR=~/qt-3.3.8

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/qt-3.3.8/lib

./configure -release -qt-gif -no-cups -no-stl -enable-rttimake -thread


Konq/E configuration (kdenox_snapshot_Qt3_2007.02.12.tar.bz2)


./configure  \

            --host=i686-pc-linux-gnu \

            --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu \

            --target=i686-pc-linux-gnu \

            --enable-embedded \

            --enable-qt-embedded  \

            --enable-static \

            --enable-mt    \

            --enable-ftp \

            --with-qt-dir=$QTE_BASE/ \

            --with-qt-libraries=$QTE_BASE/lib \

            --with-qt-includes=$QTE_BASE/include \

            --with-gui=x11 \

            --enable-rtti-embedded \

            --enable-fullscreenmenu \

            --enable-scrollbars \

            --disable-selection \

            $BOOK \

            --with-javascript=static \

            --enable-debug=yes \

            --disable-printing \

            --enable-pcre \

            --without-arts \



Daniel Grunberg

Immedia Semiconductor, Inc.

Wilmington, MA 01810

(781) 820-0525

dangrunberg at

Visit the MIT Museum:   <>



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