KonquerorE cross compile for ARM

Akshay Mishra akshaymishra at gmail.com
Mon Sep 10 20:26:59 CEST 2007

> Akshay: Your suggestions are similar. I need to find
> install this zlib package, but being that this
> compiler was given to me as is, I will have to ether
> get a newer one with full developer support or find
> this zlib. Do you know where I can get this?
> Once again thank you for valuable suggestions.

Without reading your full mail, I provide what I used and what worked
for me here:

For the toolchain I use the ltib (bitshrine/freescale).

I used the following config:
./configure --enable-static --enable-embedded --enable-qpe
--enable-qt-embedded --host=arm-linux
--with-extra-libs=/arm/lib --with-extra-includes=/arm/include

I put all the zlib etc in /arm/lib and includes in /arm/include.

for zlib I used the zlib-1.1.4. zlib should be present in your
enviroment someplace. find them. Else zlib.net might be a useful site.
Do not use the x86 files for cross compile. they'll fail, if not in
configure than in make later. missing zlib.h is not a fault of


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