The road ahead: Porting KHTML from KDELibs 3.5.7 to Qt2..

Stefan Eilers stefan.eilers at
Thu May 31 09:53:25 CEST 2007


As you might know: Konqueror Embedded for Qt2 still relates to  
KDELibs 3.5.1 which once was ported by our company. The current  
release was tagged some days ago (version 3.5.7) and contains many  
improvements since then (great work guys!).
Due to the fact that still a lot of people using the good old Qt2- 
release of Konqueror (available as snapshot from http://, we planning to port KHTML from  
KDELibs 3.5.7 to Qt2 as well.
This porting needs to fix a lot of patches which are incorporated  
automatically and do not apply with 3.5.7 and some modifications to  
the build system.
We try to make this transition as smooth as possible. If there are  
any problems with the svn release which are related to our  
modifications, please be patient! The snapshot releases will be a  
good fallback if something fails! :)

Mfg., Dr. Stefan Eilers

Dr.-Ing. Stefan Eilers
Projekt Manager

basysKom GmbH
Robert-Bosch-Str. 7 | 64293 Darmstadt | Germany
Tel: +49 6151 3968753 | Fax: -736 | Mobile: +49 170 4213459
stefan.eilers at |

Handelsregister: Darmstadt HRB 9352
Geschaeftsfuehrung: Eva Brucherseifer

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