konqueror got stuck...

saravanan sar sar_van81 at yahoo.co.in
Fri Jan 5 17:51:25 CET 2007

hi everyone,

earlier i had posted regarding opening of certain website with the error "debug: SlaveBase: read() error 32,  Broken pipe! exiting!". i had overcomed that error.I removed “-f-no-rtti” from QMAKE_CXXFLAGS in qmake.conf for QT/E and “-f-no-rtti” from CXXFLAGS & QTE_NORTTI in configure for KonqE and compiled both qt/embedded and konqueror. now in QVFB its working fine. the webpages are loaded successfully. 

Now i have got a different error. In host i able to open the webpages successfully. but when i ported it into blackfin BF537, it hangs.i.e when i enter

root:~> ./konqueror --maximized http://www.rediff.com -qws

it hangs just like that. 

can anyone provide me any suggestions or solutions for this...?

thanks in advance,


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