Why doesn't konqueror run?

javaheart javaheart at gmail.com
Thu Dec 6 11:39:54 CET 2007

Hi ,all!  After copying all files about konqueror to mips board and running it , it shows the error message "mips-linux-konqueror: error while loading shared libraries: libkonqe.so.0: cannot open shared objecy". I use the keyword to search  on the web but find no valueable informations.   the commands I used are as follows:
export QTEDIR=/root/qt-embedded-free-3.3.8
export CC=mipsel-linux-gnu-gcc
export CPP='mipsel-linux-gnu-gcc -E'
export CXX=mipsel-linux-gnu-g++
export CXXCPP='mipsel-linux-gnu-g++ -E'

./configure --prefix=/usr/local/konquerorE --host=mips-linux --target=mips-linux --disable-debug --enable-qt-embedded --enable-embedded --enable-cgi --with-qt-dir=$QTEDIR --with-qt-includes=$QTEDIR/include --with-qt-libraries=$QTEDIR/lib --disable-pcre --without-ssl 

export KDEDIRS=/usr/local/konquerorE:/usr
kdm restart
make install

the last step is copying  /usr/local/konquerorE to target board file system.

Any ideas will be appreciated, thanks ! 

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