Minimum Konqueror-E possible?

Eva Brucherseifer eva.brucherseifer at
Wed Aug 8 17:07:45 CEST 2007


for pure HTML and CSS web pages I'd suggest to use Qt's assistant. It has 
everything except JavaScript.

If you need JavaScript then I suggest to use KonqE with Qt3/X11 or wait until 
spring 2008 for Webkit/Qt with Qt4. 

A recent version of KonqE for Qt3/X11 is available from


Am Mittwoch, 8. August 2007 schrieb Johann Wilfling:
> Hi,
>  My post was somehow identified as spam .. can you repost it to the list?
> Kind regards.
> Hi forum,
> I've been looking for some kind of "help viewer", which displays HTML
> pages. The viewer should be capable of Javascript and CSS, and should have
> the absolute minimum system requirements, that is the hard disk memory
> should be as low as possible.
> What is the memory footprint of Konqueror-E where all additional
> functionalities (like bookmark manager, file open dialog, ftp capabilities
> ..) are disabled? Just a plain widget, where the HTML page is rendered. Is
> it possible and what adoptions have to be made (compile flags)?
> The viewer should run under X11 - in respect to the memory footprint: Is it
> better to compile Konqueror-E with qt2/X11 or qt2-e and use the QT virtual
> framebuffer?
> Are there any other pointers to a small and tiny HTML viewer with
> Javascript and CSS?
> Kind regards.
> -------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Tue, 07 Aug 2007 19:59:50 +0200
> Von: konq-e-owner at
> An: wj313 at
> Betreff: Minimum Konqueror-E possible?
> > Message contains known spam

Eva Brucherseifer
President & CEO

basysKom GmbH
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Geschaeftsfuehrung: Eva Brucherseifer

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