konqueror crashes when openning webpage

Jack_Zhou at sdc.sercomm.com Jack_Zhou at sdc.sercomm.com
Thu Aug 2 09:48:09 CEST 2007

Hi all,
 I have successfully cross-compiled konqueror-embedded-snapshot-20030705
and qt-2.3.7,My cross compiler version is 2.95.3. Now I can run it without
openning a webpage on uclinux.
./konqueror -qws --maximumized
if I open it with a webpage, it crashed:
./konqueror -qws --maximumized http://www.google.com

here is the error message
debug: KHTMLPart::init this=0x90386790 d=0x90391008
GPF: pid(61, <konqueror>) text_offset(0x38ce50) (USER pc=908b7e94
debug: creating slave for http://www.google.com
error sending: launcherCreateSlaveCmd: Broken pipe

It's issue about code as follow in launcher.cpp
if ( sendmsg( m_socket, &msg, 0 ) == -1 )
        perror( "error sending launcherCreateSlaveCmd" );
        free( hdr );
        return 0;
why sendmsg() failed?
I spent days on it, but it did't help me. but it's alright running on my
PC. Any suggestion?
Best Regards
Best Regards
Jack zhou
Mail:Jack_zhou at sdc.sercomm.com

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