Image Issue in Konq-e

Sebastian Rajan sebastian.rajan at
Thu Apr 26 09:31:55 CEST 2007


I have ported konq-e to an lcd panel with 1bpp color depth in powerpc 

I am able to display images in bmp, ppm and xpm format.
But it is not showing jpg and gif images.

I have configured Qt-E (v2.3.2) with gif support


and konq-e (v20030516) with path to jpeg library (
./configure --enable-qt-embedded --enable-embedded --disable-mt 
--enable-cgi --enable-fontsubs--with-extra-includes=/usr/local/include/ 
--with-extra-libs=/usr/lib/ --with-qt-dir=/home/qt-2.3.2 

I found there is some konqe-gif-plugin. How can I use it?

Have anyone encountered a similar issue , please help me to resolve it.

Thanks in advance.


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