konq-e help

MishraDK itsdkm at gmail.com
Tue Jun 27 20:41:34 CEST 2006

I am new to this konq-e.
I am quite facinated with the *konqueror*  and wan to use in my embedded

I am working on a student project where I am doing some calculation and
after calculation I have a buffer which contains a html document.
Now i want to pass that buffer to *konqueror* and make it display the

Can any one please advice how should I go ahead making this ?
Also *konqueror* is a part of KDEbase.
How can I intregate only the rendering part of the *konqueror* to to my c++
application to solve my problem?

Please advice me.
I dont want to rewrite a parser and rendering engine again in QT.
Thank in advance.
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