How to download and copy files in Konqueror

Yang, Sheldon sheldon.yang at
Thu Jun 8 07:20:16 CEST 2006


I just started trying Konqueror on Qtopia. (MVCEE31, Intel PXA270)

I have 3 questions.

1.	How to copy file/folder in File Browser?  On other systems, I
just need to touch and hold the stick, until I see the context menu,
including copy. But in Konqueror, I didn't find any way to make it work.
Also, I cannot open several windows and drag and drop files.

2.	How to download file from Web Browser to local directory? Like
question 1, on other systems, I just need to touch the link and hold the
stick, until I see the context menu, including save as... But right now,
it doesn't work. If I just click the link, Konqueror displays all files
as text files.

3.	I always see two copies of each page on screen. One copy is on
the top half of screen, the other copy is on the bottom half of screen.

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