cross-compile Q

yan seiner yan at
Mon Jan 9 13:20:41 CET 2006

Luciano Montanaro wrote:

>On Saturday 07 January 2006 15:47, Yan Seiner wrote:
>>I am trying to cross-compile konq/e for my arm box.
>>I'm running into a bit of a chicken and egg problem with uic and
>>AFAICT both dcopidl and uic need to be run on the build computer - in my
>>case, an x86 box.  So I compile qt-embedded and kdelibs natively.  They
>>both build and run fine.  And they use libqte-mt built for x86.
>You do not need to build kdelibs in general - you can use the one from your 
>The same goes for uic, too.
>Of course, you can build both on your own, but I doubt kdelibs would compile 
>without tweaks against qt-embedded.

Just an FYI on getting this resolved...

kdelibs will build against qt-embedded, at least to the point of 
building dcopidl.  The trick is to build qte for the build computer, 
install to some dir (-prefix /usr/local/qte), then build kdelibs against 

Then copy everything from /usr/local/qte/bin to 
/your/qte/xcompile/dir/bin.  Compile qt-embedded for the target.  
Install to some other dir (-prefix /home/arm/qte).  Then move your qte 
libs out of the way (mv /your/qte/xcompile/dir/libs 

Now everything should work....

At least to the point of the next message....  :-)


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