New to Building Konq/E

Eva Brucherseifer eva.brucherseifer at
Mon Feb 6 22:33:46 CET 2006

Am Montag, 6. Februar 2006 21:42 schrieb yan seiner:
> Jim Burnes wrote:
> >Luciano,
> >
> >Thank you very much.  That is exactly the information I needed.
> >
> >BTW: I'm somewhat concerned, given my limited memory (around 32MB)
> >that kdelibs might consume large amounts of memory.  Are you aware of
> >any way that I can selectively disable some part of kdelibs that are
> >unlikely to be used?

the copies of kdelibs-files in konqe are all used. This already is a reduced 

> I am running Qt/E 3.3.4 and konq/e.  Together, with all of the supporing
> libs, I am getting about 15 MB for Qt, konq, and fonts.  I'd love to be
> able to reduce that.... But so far, my efforts have netted very small
> improvements.
> Qt will build as small as 1.5 MB, but konq seems to need the full -dist
> build at around 6.5 MB....

It mainly needs rtti-support, threads and xml. 
But you can disable dom, database, maybe even QTable. 


> --Yan
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Eva Brucherseifer
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basysKom GmbH
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