New to Building Konq/E

Yan Seiner yan at
Sun Feb 5 16:00:02 CET 2006

Luciano Montanaro wrote:

>Find the latest Qt/Embeddev v3.x if you can.
>Otherwise, you can try building against Qt2 if you need to integrate in a 
>Qtopia environment. But the Qt2 port is being done now, and I don't know how 
>well it works currently. If I understand correctly, it basically works, but 
>there may still be problems.
I've been using Qt/E 3.3.4 with no problems on the Qt end...  I would be 
interested to know if anyone has done any work on the minimum Qt/E 
configuration needed to run Konq/E?

Or to provide some more scientific method of doing so than randomly 
disabling features in the qconfig.h files and seeing if Konq/E will 
build?  :-)

SInce basically my environment consists of Konq/E only, I don't need 
support in Qt/E for anything else...


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