yan yan at
Fri Aug 4 22:59:10 CEST 2006

Luciano Montanaro wrote:
> On Friday 04 August 2006 20:14, yan wrote:
>> Could someone please clue me in on how to use these when
>> cross-compiling?  Is there some docs somewhere that show this?
> I set the prefix to the prefix where konqueror is meant to reside on the 
> system.

OK, thanks.
>> I am compiling on the build system with my install directory at
>> /usr/local/arm/lib, which is the root of the cross-compiled file system.
>>    If I tell konq/e to compile with libs at /usr/local/arm/lib, then
>> konqueror looks for its libs there when it is run....  But if I tell it
>> to use /lib, then the compile will fail because it finds incompatible
>> libs (x86) there...
> Doesn't then konqueror try to find the library in /usr/local/arm/lib, aqnd 
> then in the usual place?
Except for /usr/lib/

> Anyway, I'd have to look at my scripts again, but I think I needed to use the 
> linker options -rpath and -rpath-link.
> Actually, I think I have a -nodefaultlibs in there also.
> As in
> LDFLAGS=-Wl,-rpath,/embedded/path/ -Wl,-rpath-link,/crosstools/path
>> I am missing something, I know....  Is there a doc somewhere on how to
>> use these?  What do others use in their config scripts?
> An issue I have on a cross compiler I did not build on my own is that it 
> has .la files pointing to /usr/lib for the resolution of the libraries. 
> A crude but effective solution is to wipe .la files from the cross compiler 
> library directories. 
That's what I am running into....  The build fails because it insists on 
linking against /usr/lib/ - no matter what I do.

I'll try playing with -rpath and -rpath-link.  I have -nostdlib and 
-nodefaultlibs but they don't seem to work....  Something is explicitly 
trying to link against /usr/lib/....


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