konqueror hangs with 100% CPU on encountering a td style="vertical-align: top; " tag

Yan Seiner yan at seiner.com
Wed Apr 26 16:21:06 CEST 2006

Luciano Montanaro wrote:

>On Tuesday 25 April 2006 20:18, yan seiner wrote:
>>The title says it all...
>>konq/e hangs with 100% CPU usage when it encounters a <td
>>style="vertical-align: top;"> tag...
>>I would appreciate if someone could check out my test page at
>><http://www.seiner.com/konq/bad.html> and confirm that it really is a
>>konq issue and not a build issue...
>>If it 'works' it should hang just after the <input name='x007'
>>type='text'> line....
>The bug does not seem to be present on x86. The table is shown completely.

Thanks for the check... I did a lot of testing yesterday - a slow and 
painful procedure....  :-)

I suspect (and at this point, it's only a suspicicion) that the problem 
lies in some sort of deadlock in the way konq renders tables.  It seems 
to happen at 320x240 resolution and if I use a specific table 
format....  So I am guessing that konq goes into a loop trying to fit 
the table into the space provided...

I've 'fixed' the problem by changing the table format a bit.  That's 
another one of those items on the 'to do' list for when I have time...


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