R: R: konqueror3 on SH4

Luciano Montanaro mikelima at cirulla.net
Mon Dec 12 17:29:47 CET 2005

On Monday 12 December 2005 16:29, Andrea Bondavalli wrote:
> Hi,
> I did some tests and I found out that the problem arises
> starting from the first release of the year 2005
> (snapshot konqueror3-embedded-0.2-20050303), while
> indeed it's not present in the last release of the year 2004
> (snapshot konqueror3-embedded-0.2-20040524).
> I am trying to investigate it, but I noticed many modifications between
> these two snapshots. The reason is that while the older is based on KDE
> 3.1.x, the most recent is based on KDE 3.4.x.
> In your opinion which modifications or which files should I investigate
> for this problem ?

Assuming the problem is with the glue code, you may check the dropin and src 

> In order to use my IR control I added to the QT library a trivial IR
> driver (based on the Linux Infrared Remote Control interface) by
> extending the QWSKeyboardHandler class and at this time I am able to
> browse
> and to move among the different HTML links using my RC.
> Unfortunately I noticed that it's not possible to move the focus
> on the main toolbar (in order to move and to select the different
> buttons), so the only way to select an action or a popup action on the
> main toolbar, without a pointing device, is by activating the associated
> shortcut (accelerator).
> Can you confirm this ?

Yes, toolbars do not receive keyboard focus normally. Maybe you can force 
them to receive focus with setFocusPolicy(Qt::TabFocus), but I have never 
tried to do that.
Alternatively, you may change the interface to make use of a menubar, that 
can be browsed with the arrow keys, once it has the focus. You should be 
able to use one key on a remote control to set the focus to the menubar or 
the main widget, for example.

> Thank you,
> Andrea

Luciano Montanaro //
              \\ //
               \x/ www.cirulla.net

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