SuSE or KDE?

dblomber dblomber at
Fri Sep 17 01:49:20 CEST 2004

On Thu, 2004-09-16 at 21:57, Bahram Alinezhad wrote:
> Hello,
> I use SuSE 9.1 with KDE 3.2:
> 1- I cannot connect to the internet: After modem
> negotiations, it disconnects! I have not such problem
> in RedHat.
> 2- Unmounting a hard disk partition is impossible when
> you once went to browse it with konqueror; You have to
> totally exit X (e.g. by logout) to avoid receiving
> "device is busy"! I have not such problem in RedHat.
> 3- General performance is strongly low! Although, the
> performance for konqueror has been improved.
> 4- I get the prompt for changing my monitor settings
> in each session!
> 5- When I login to a user other than root, and use "su
> root" or open a root shell in order to run some
> commands located in /usr/local/bin, I get the error of
> "command not found"! I have to type the full path! A
> problem that there is somehow in redhat but not so bad
> as this.
> 6- I couldn't install "xft-2.1.2" (from
> on suse 9.1; In configuration
> process, it says that "xrender not found".
> Thank you for your notice,
> Bahram Alinezhad,
> Tehran, Iran.
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Bahram Alinezhad,

This is the wrong list your cmoplaints are with SuSE and should be on
the suse mailing list (that said here are a few items)

1- without details about why you are being disconnected it will be next
to impossible to help on this item (start the connection in a "konsole"
/commend prompt window and check the logs as to why the connection was

2-say you are trying to umount the cdrom (usually /dev/hdc) check the
lsof /dev/hdc
I suspect the kdeinit is holding the device open I have seen this a few
times from suse it stems from the attempt to make device mounting user
friendly.  if kdeinit is the process keeping the drive mounted kill the
pid listed from lsof (if not installed use yast and install it lsof will
save you a bunch of headaches.

3-please define slow (i.e. under redhat mozilla opens in .5 seconds but
in SuSE it opens in 2 seconds) slow is a relative term and different
Linux distros compilke things differently (features and all that may
slow down the windows opening) I have found SuSE to be very fast (but
keep in mind I am running it on a AMD 64 3200+ with 1GB of RAM (32 bit
kernel running right now)

4-If you are gettnig a prompt to change the monitor setting each time
you log in then please specify the monmitor and video card you are using
and what you did to save the settings the last time you went through the
hassle of logging in and setting monitor settings (with the card you
selected and monitor settings selected) chances are your settings were
off a bit and this is the systems way of complaigning about it.

5-DON'T "su" to root if you want to use commands from /use/sbin USE "su
-" and this will fix this problem

6-go to the site you found xft-2.1.2 and find their package for xrender.
or download the source code and compile yourself. chances are that you
downloaded a compile from some fedora only person. xft?? the fortran or
the fonts program??

David Blomberg
Nihon Libertec
dblomber at

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