having trouble to compile Konq-embedded

Chao chao at metis.cs.umass.edu
Thu May 20 21:40:54 CEST 2004


I have been having trouble compiling Konq-embedded. As a matter of fact, I 
cant even get it pass the configure stage...

./configure --host=arm-linux --enable-embedded --enable-qpe 

the error I got was:
checking for libz... configure: error: not found.

Isn't it supposed to be in the qte libraries? I have pointed the configure 
to my qt-2.3.5 directory already. Any suggestions?

I have also downloaded the zlib binaries, but how do I specify a path for 
the "configure" to be able to pick it up? I have tried the -with-extra-lib 
paramter and it doesn't seem to work....

any comments are appreciated.



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