Malformed URL problem

Paul Chitescu Paul.Chitescu at
Mon Aug 9 18:11:05 CEST 2004

Without a patch the OPIE version can't receive URLs on the command line! And
I should say 20020912 is awfully old...

Even more, in the (patched) OPIE build there's something fishy in the main()
function when parsing the command line arguments when exactly one argument
is provided (probably something related to qcop). I use an extra --dummy as
a workaround to this problem.

I'm going to investigate.

----- Original Message -----
From: <Nicolas.Sarrazy at>
To: <konq-e at>
Sent: Monday, August 09, 2004 18:36
Subject: Malformed URL problem

> Hi,
> I'm running konqueror embedded on my ipaq H5550 with Opie 1.0.3 and
> Familiar 0.7.2+unstable16.
> I've installed the konqueror-snapshot-full_0.9.1-20020912.2_arm.ipk
> Here is my problem : when I launch konqueror in a shell with a command
> like : konqueror + <URL> (e.g "konqueror"), the
> following error always occurs in a dialogbox : "Malformed URL. file :" !
> Would appreciate any help I can get !
> Thanks!
> Nicolas

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