konqueror-e need kde library?

Johannes Brügmann jbrueg at t-online.de
Fri Apr 16 13:11:00 CEST 2004

Hello xycheng97,
hello all on konq-e,

xycheng97 schrieb am Fr, 16 Apr 2004 (um 18:11:30 +0800):

> But this time errors appear:
> .....
> checking for kde-config... not found
> configure: error: The important program kde-config was not found!
> Please check whether you installed KDE correctly.

Without any version of KDE beeing installed, I'm experiencing the same
results while building on gentoo :(.

I used:

      src_compile() {
              local myconf
              if [ "`use qt-embedded`" ]
                      export QTDIR=/opt/qt-embedded
                      export PATH=$QTDIR/bin:$PATH
                      export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/lib -lmng -ljpeg"
                      myconf="--with-qt-dir=$QTDIR --enable-qt-embedded
              --enable-static --disable-shared --prefix=/usr/embedded"
                      export QTDIR=/usr/qt/3
                      export PATH=$QTDIR/bin:$PATH
                      export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/lib -lmng -ljpeg -lpng -lgif
                      myconf="--disable-debug -disable-closure
              --enable-shared=yes --enable-add-ons=kplaintext,kflashpart
              --enable-readwrite --enable-printing --enable-ftp --enable-cgi
              --enable-sortdir --enable-fast-malloc=yes --enable-sidebar
              --enable-xmlui --enable-fontsubs --enable-jshostext
              --prefix=/usr/local --with-qt-dir=$QTDIR
              --with-qt-libraries=$QTDIR/lib --with-javascript=dynamic
              cd ${S}
              econf ${myconf} --host=${CHOST} --with-ssl-dir=/usr || die
              make || die

What kind of problem is it?

      Was  ist  der  Mensch,  dass du seiner gedenkst, und des Menschen
      Kind, dass du dich seiner annimmst?
      Psalm 8,5

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