Image decode only goes through 1st pass...

Luciano Montanaro
Fri, 21 Mar 2003 09:58:40 +0100

fredag 21 mars 2003, 08:57, skrev Martin Zwickel:
> Hi Keith!
> On Thu, 20 Mar 2003 15:21:28 -0500
> Keith Kyzivat <> bubbled:
> > Ok Luciano, I got my executable up and running, but I'm seeing some
> > glitches in image displaying.
> >
> > I'm seeing images only partially decode, going through the first pass
> > of display (i.e. quite pixelated).  I am seeing this with both jpeg
> > and gif.  Have you or Martin seen this, or is it something Qt/E or ppc
> > related?
> Under x86+QT/X11 it works fine... but i have no clue who is joking with
> you! sorry :(

I am also using X86+Qt-X11. I have no problem with images... But I have no
progressive image decoding either, images are displayed only when completel=
loaded. Did you try different sites?
As a suggestion, try compiling with debug enabled, the log file could give
you some hint to where the problem is.

Luciano Montanaro// My public GPG key can be  /"\ ASCII RIBBON
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