How to compile Konq-E? (problems with CVS/snapshot version)

Keith Kyzivat
Tue, 18 Mar 2003 08:44:54 -0500

Martin Zwickel wrote:

>Hi there!
>I'm tring to compile/install Konq-E.
>I tried the current CVS version, wich looks to be incompatible with the
>kdelibs v3.1 and kdelibs from current cvs. (Class KURIFilterData
>differs, tried to replace, but doesnt help...)
You must be compiling with Qt/E, not Qt/X11, right?  I'm seeing the same 
thing. Luciano is working on a patch for KURIFilter,
in the mean time to get past that, you can add -DQT_NO_CLIPBOARD to 
CXXFLAGS and disable clipboard support.  Note that you will compile 
further and run into some Qt/E specific bugs in kjs_window.cpp - the KDE 
Javascript APIs have changed some since KDE 2.2, and the core KDE 
developers overlooked making changes to #ifdef'ed QTE code.  Right now I 
just temporarily stubbed it out to get it compiling further...
We need to take a closer look at it though, as I'm sure that stubbing it 
out is not good.

Say, you never mentioned running into the dynamic_cast errors... I guess 
you are using Qt/X11...  In any case, I've got some patches to fix the 
dynamic_cast errors (conversion from native rtti to Qt rtti)
