Dynamic library with an add-on

Luciano Montanaro mikelima at virgilio.it
Thu Jun 12 11:45:47 CEST 2003

onsdag 11 juni 2003, 14:53, skrev Paul Chitescu:

> Having add-ons in dynamic libraries is currently not supported but i'm
> working on it - shouldn't be difficult to implement. The only question is
> about the method of registering those add-ons: we may use a section in the
> configuration file or we may list all .so files in some directory - i
> suggest $KDEDIR/share/apps/konq-embed/addons/ - or we may allow both
> methods.

Hi Paul, I have seen you committed something to this effect since yesterday.
Is it safe to port it to the head, or should I wait a bit more?

> Currently -export-dynamic is enabled in konq-embed/src/Makefile.am -
> removing it (like I do) reduces the executable size by about 650kb (i386).
> That option should be conditionally added anyway since it's required only
> when KJS is loaded dynamically or when dynamic add-ons - like yours - are
> used.

Cool, I didn't realize that option made such a difference. Since, as you say 
it is currently needed when kjs is dynamically loaded, it should be added for 
that case only. I'll change the configure.in.in script in head to only enable 
it in that case, for now.

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