Kaffe JVM for QT/Embedded

Oliver Fels konq-e@mail.kde.org
Mon, 20 Jan 2003 10:45:53 +0100

Paolo Scaffardi:

> Kaffe Java Virtual Machine (www.kaffe.org) has been successfully ported
> to QT embedded!
> So, if someone is working on Konqueror Java support it should be a GREAT
> new!

I had it running on my ipaq under OPIE and I found it heavily unstable at 
first glance- so don't expect magic things.

I am also not sure whether kaffe includes its own appletviewer implementation 
which is required for JAVA applet support to interact with the browser- kaffe 
is not a fully fledged JVM but an extended PJ implementation.

And, IIRC, konqs JAVA support under KDE is depending on some applet proxy 
framework in the KDE system which would have to be ported to the destination 
platform first.
