Newbie For KonE and plugin question

Rujisak Lomfathai
Tue, 18 Feb 2003 23:04:30 +0700

Hello, everyone. I'm just a newbie one for Kong/E and E-Linux world. I'm 
Using iPAQ + Opie and I want to try to use this as the browser. I dl the 
source already and I'm trying to develop my own app to use on my opie. My 
need in this app is like the browser that can Open another app on its 
provided area like open .pdf file. and I'm not sure how can I get Netscape's 
Plugin to use like that.

My question is:
the KongE use this plugin API to call anther app on it??? If not , How does 
it do, and where can I learn how to do????

I need your help from everyone,
Thank you very much,
Rujisak L.

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